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Standing together against fear

United Methodist mission executive, Thomas Kemper, describes surviving an airport bombing and searching for hope.

“Fear and hope interact powerfully in a crisis,” says Thomas Kemper. “They did so for me on June 28 in Istanbul, Turkey, when I was awakened in the transit lounge of Ataturk Airport by a bomb blast and gunfire.”

Kemper is the General Secretary of the General Board of Global Ministries. In this article written for CNN, he asserts that the “duty to create a better, more loving world is the responsibility of people of all faiths.”

While his experience took place three weeks ago, in the subsequent days there have been other acts of terror claiming dozens of more lives. These words of Kemper continue to ring true: “We must et better at reaching out to one another, to affirming that in our strengths and weaknesses, we are all a part of one human family. And we must succeed, because if we fail, fear will conquer hope.”

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Last Updated on January 9, 2023

The Michigan Conference