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New UMC Handbook now available

Order this free, go-to resource of United Methodists beliefs, mission, structure and history.

NASHVILLE, Tenn.: The new United Methodist Church Handbook for this 2017-2020 is available, providing a detailed overview of the denomination’s beliefs, mission, structure and history. The handbook is a free, go-to resource for anyone in search of information about The United Methodist Church and is helpful for leaders and new members.

“The United Methodist Church Handbook is one of the most appreciated resources generated in the church, and rightly so,” said Ken Sloane, Director of Stewardship and Connectional Ministries at Discipleship Ministries. “Whether it’s a question about our theology of grace, new annual conference boundaries, or how money from the Ministerial Education Fund is spent, you will look here first.”

The handbook offers a holistic overview of the church and the ways that all United Methodists are an essential part of the denomination’s work around the world. It also explains the church’s connectional nature, includes denominational maps and graphics, answers frequently asked questions, provides a glossary of key denominational terms, offers communication and connectional giving information and suggests resources to further mission and ministry.

Church leaders are encouraged to incorporate the handbook into new member and confirmation classes, leadership training sessions, welcome packets, church libraries and other congregational gathering spaces.

Printed handbooks may be ordered online at shop.umc.org or via phone at 1-888-346-3862. The UMC Handbook is made possible by the generous support of the people of The United Methodist Church through gifts to the World Service Fund.

“Generous support of the World Service Fund helps resource our leaders and members with tools to assist in achieving our mission of making disciples. We appreciate the continued support of the members of The United Methodist Church,” said Moses Kumar, General Secretary and Treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Administration.

Last Updated on December 29, 2022

The Michigan Conference