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Connexion intern program begins second year

Young adults being trained

The Michigan Conference seeks ministry sites interested in having a young adult intern this summer. Deadline for ministry sites to apply is March 1, and the deadline for interns is… Continue Reading Connexion intern program begins second year

Youth & Young Adult Resource Roundup, APR 2024

Logo for youth resources

This spring issue summarizes upcoming events, scholarships, and resources for youth and young adults that churches can promote in their publications.

Youth & Young Adult Resource Roundup, FEB 2024

Young adults in outdoor gear

Beginning this month, MIconnect will publish a bimonthly summary of upcoming events and resources for youth and young adults that churches can promote in their publications.

Young adults want to be part of the church

Campus minister talking to university students

Feedback from young adult listening sessions has led the Michigan Conference Board of Young People’s Ministries to chart a way forward with new ministry offerings for 2024.

The Michigan Conference