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5 practices to reconnect with God

Hands outstretched in prayer

When you experience dry spiritual spells, try these five practices to reconnect to the Spirit of God.

Where the world meets to pray

Started in 1935, The Upper Room still inspires readers around the globe to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Chaplain’s 2,200 miles of ministry

Rev. Matt Hall began his trek of the Appalachia Trail on June 21 and crossed the finish line Nov. 19.

Racing through life

Some reflections on life out of the Rev. Rob Fuquay’s experience in NASCAR country. 

5 things I need from a sermon

When they come to church, people want a sermon that is more than platitudes and common sense.

‘Liturgy of the ordinary’

Mom and author Tish Harrison Warren can help turn your morning routine into worship.

Pacific Fleet blessed by UMMen

United Methodist Men’s Strength for Service program provides spiritual support for military and first responders.

The Michigan Conference