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Our God is still making music

God is making music at Flint Bethel

The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Wilson and the Rev. Paul Perez led worship at The Michigan Annual Conference on June 5. Members were asked not to let their troubles interrupt their… Continue Reading Our God is still making music

Greensky and TroyHope praise God

TroyHope child

Pastor Jonathan Mays, Greensky Hill Indian UMC, and Pastor Anna Moon, TroyHope UMC, led the Michigan Annual Conference in beginning and ending the day with worship on June 4.

Music shares Jesus’ healing love

Sacred music touches the soul

A hospice chaplain finds, “Music can awaken the deepest level of emotional response in positive ways.” It’s a tool that shares Jesus’ love.

Bishop’s Advent video offers hope

Advent video message by Bishop Bard

“This Advent season,” says Bishop David Bard, “we find ourselves in the wilderness, exiled from our usual practices.” The bishop offers a song about the new thing God is doing… Continue Reading Bishop’s Advent video offers hope

From children’s song to church anthem

A church song families love to sing

“We Are the Church” is a song for Pentecost, yet the hymn almost didn’t make it into the latest version of The United Methodist Hymnal. 

Light and life for all

Light for a girl and for all

Remembering lyrics of Charles Wesley and Bruce Springsteen, Bishop David Bard, reflects on the nature of darkness and light. Looking ahead, he forecasts “The new year will not be dull.”

The Michigan Conference