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Native American Elders gather in Grand Rapids

Native American elders ministry leaders

STEP TWO: The United Methodist Church celebrated Native American Ministries on Sunday, April 23, 2023. This offering supports ministries like Pawating Native American Elders Program at Northlawn UMC in Grand Rapids. Continue Reading Native American Elders gather in Grand Rapids

Harkema honored with evangelism award

Woman posing

The Rev. Pam Harkema, pastor of Oscoda and Oscoda Indian Mission UMCs, is the 2023 recipient of the Harry Denman Evangelism Award.

NAMS offering creates new history

Native American family

This collection of resources can be downloaded to promote the Native American Ministries Sunday to your members. Help create a new history.

Expanding partnerships with Native Americans

Closing worship led by Rev. Chebon Kernell

The fall meeting of the General Board of Global Ministries focused on renewed commitment to Native American ministries and education on issues.

Snapshot of Native American ministries

There are 157 Native American United Methodist churches. This study aims for growth.

Spirit Journey grows

Spirit Journey anticipates an awesome 5th year of ministry with Native American youth.

The Michigan Conference