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How I spent my summer vacation

Young man painting during his summer vacation for Appalachia Service Project

As summer reaches its highpoint, the Rev. Dr. Margie Crawford encourages everyone to consider a vacation that includes some opportunities to learn, grow, and share the Good News with others.

The little bank that keeps on giving

Man counting coins.

The United Methodist Women are currently in the midst of a major fund drive. 150 years of support for mission.

Views on GC2019 and mission

Bishop John Yambasu prays at the 2019 General Conference

Directors of the Board of Global Ministries express pain over the divide that has occurred since the special General Conference.  

EngageMI missionary coming soon

Cross and Flame banner in Russia

The Rev. Hyo-Won Park, United Methodist missionary in St. Petersburg, Russia, will be in Michigan April 27 – May 7, 2019. Contact Jackie Euper to arrange a visit.

Apply by March 11 for EngageMI

Children learning to read at United Methodist Community House in Grand Rapids

  EngageMI looks ahead to 2020 in ministry and mission. March 11 is the deadline for conference projects to apply for inclusion in the 2020 EngageMI guidebook.

Snapshots of Vitality 2019 – Jan thru May

Young Adult Missionaries serving Michigan

See Christ in the hands and faces of  Michigan United Methodists celebrating their vitality on Facebook.  Send us your snapshots!

EngageMI invites projects to apply

Children serve lunch at NOAH Project in downtown Detroit.

  EngageMI is looking ahead to the next year in ministry and mission. March 11 is the deadline for conference projects to apply for inclusion in the 2020 EngageMI guidebook.

Government workers turn to church

United Methodists protest government shutdown January 17, 2019

Churches report they are setting aside money or storing up food to help victims of the partial federal government shutdown. 

What UMC budget cuts mean for ministry

Offering plate

UMC general agencies are looking at what a planned budget cut of more than 20% will mean for their work, their staff and the people they serve.

Joining hands on Giving Tuesday

Two people joining hands

November 27, Giving Tuesday, persons from 11 countries made generous contributions of $624,868 to the United Methodist Advance.  Thank you.

The Michigan Conference