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Deaconess serves in downtown Detroit

Deaconess Anne Hillman assists in worship

Deaconess Anne Hillman is in ministry on the staff at Detroit Central UMC. She is one of four deaconesses currently serving in the Michigan Conference. 

A call to United Methodist laity

Laity called to flower

The following is an open letter to laity from the Association of Annual Conference Lay Leaders (AACLLC). It is a reminder of Jesus’ Great Commandment during this troubled time.

A psalm and a blessing

Blessing of Bible and coffee

Psalm 139 helps Chaplain Jan Johnson express her experience blessing families in the “COVID-19 wilderness” of Mercy Hospital in Muskegon.

Faith among the fences

Girl peeking through picket fences

In our laity blog, Power in the Pew, Conference Lay Leader Anne Soles gives counsel from the gospel and a classic poem about navigating the walls and fences of life.

America’s great idolatry

As political platforms dominate the news, one pastor suggests a way to keep “closer to Jesus.”

The Michigan Conference