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Grief and loss webinar, February 25

Hands holding

Abundant Health Michigan, a new program within the Michigan Conference, will host a free webinar on ministering through grief and loss for ministry leaders.

Finding God in the mist

Light in the darkness

Cheryl Bistayi speaks to those navigating the fog of grief and confusion following the suicide of a beloved.

A community of kindness

Dandelion spreading seed

Bishop David Alan Bard expresses gratitude for the Christlike kindness he and his family have received following his mother’s death.

Oh, how they shine

Light coming in window

Reminded of the death of a dear friend, Sondra Willobee reflects on what her friend taught her about meeting grief with grace and courage while waiting for peace to come.

Walking together through grief

Widowers sharing grief

Trusting in God and living out their United Methodist faith, two friends work through grief by volunteering at Brentwood UMC in Nashville, TN. It is giving them strength after the… Continue Reading Walking together through grief

Bishop reflects on season of Lent

Lent begins Ash Wednesday

In this video message, Bishop David Bard looks back on the past year marked by the pandemic. ” While Lent is a time to acknowledge loss, he shifts the focus… Continue Reading Bishop reflects on season of Lent

Loss and learning

Bishop Bard at computer

What does it take to remain faithful during a season of loss? Bishop David Bard asserts that, as followers of Jesus, learning about self-giving love is important.

‘The Ultimate Gift’

The ultimate gift doesn't come in a box.

“The Ultimate Gift” is about vulnerability and loss. That makes it a good movie to watch during this Stay-Home-Stay-Safe time.

The Michigan Conference