Tag: Lay Servant Ministries
Christian discipleship is a full-time job

Inspired by Bishop Bard’s listening tour, Denny Wissinger, the Michigan Conference’s Co-Lay Leader, encourages local churches to challenge the laity within their congregations to dive into discipleship, the call Christ… Continue Reading Christian discipleship is a full-time job
Western Waters District Lay Servant Ministries Spring Retreat

Western Waters District Lay Servant Ministries Present the Spring Retreat at Cadillac UMC. Friday, April 25 (4:30pm) to Saturday, April 26 (4:30pm). Basic and 2 Advanced classes offered. Continue Reading Western Waters District Lay Servant Ministries Spring Retreat
Michigan’s ‘Odd Couple’

Taylorie Bailey and Denny Wissinger, the new Co-Lay Leaders of the Michigan Conference, are ready to equip the laity of the annual conference for ministry and mission.