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Bishops call for prayer

Next week the Judicial Council rules on the election of Bishop Karen Oliveto.

Way Forward continues discernment

During their recent 3-day meeting, Commission members began discussing possible outcomes and timelines for their work.

Judicial Council faces heavy docket

This month the UMC’s top court will hear arguments concerning the election  of Bishop Karen Oliveto.

Living in the middle

Pastors of UM congregations with diverse views on homosexuality live with worry over possible break-up.

Listening to each other

Four voices offer their observations and experiences toward A Way Forward. 

Scholars consider church’s future

Seminary professors discuss UMC’s current impasse on homosexuality.

Engaging around complex issues

Commission on Way Forward continues to lay groundwork and asks for prayer.

Moving forward in trust

The Commission on the Way Forward is relying on the Spirit’s gifts.

Two churches seek exit from UMC

Leaders of two Mississippi churches express frustration with the UMC’s ongoing homosexuality debate.

Way Forward holds first meeting

The Commission on a Way Forward organized and entered into covenant at their meeting January 23-26 in Atlanta.       

The Michigan Conference