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Mission and love drive generous giving

Giving at church

These Michigan congregations have seen an increase in giving during the pandemic. The Rev. David Bell, Executive Director of The United Methodist Foundation of Michigan, talks about drivers of generous… Continue Reading Mission and love drive generous giving

Free course on Leading through COVID

Leading is the topic of this online course

Adaptive leadership skills are the focus of “Leading through COVID,” a FULLER Formation course available free through the end of June.

Creativity in the time of COVID-19

Creativity shared on her front door.

Each person copes in his or her own way in these risky times. Sonya Luna finds creativity works for her.

‘Cut at the knot’ and other lessons

A knot on each hay bale in the wagon

As the word “essential” takes on daily meaning during the health crisis, the Rev. Benton Heisler recalls an early lesson taught in the barn by a knot in the twine.

The Michigan Conference