Tag: Children’s Ministry
Conference partnership hires Schwarcz

The Michigan and Rio Texas Conferences welcome Laura Schwarcz as the project coordinator of a new initiative to help congregations nurture children through worship and prayer.
Lifelong faith cohorts begin January 30

Three new lifelong faith cohorts designed for a broad audience begin soon: an online book study on The Anxious Generation, a cohort exploring tools and strategies for adapting to evolving… Continue Reading Lifelong faith cohorts begin January 30
Book Study – The Anxious Generation

Join other faith formation leaders via Zoom to discuss Jonathan Haidt’s book The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness and its… Continue Reading Book Study – The Anxious Generation
Conference partnership receives Lilly grant

The Michigan and Rio Texas Conferences will use a $1.25 million Lilly Endowment grant to fund an initiative to help congregations nurture children through worship and prayer.
Kids Ministry Professionals In Person Meet Up
Do you want to connect with other Children’s Ministry leaders, share ideas, learn from each other, and enjoy fellowship? Join us for an enjoyable afternoon to connect with other Children’s… Continue Reading Kids Ministry Professionals In Person Meet Up
Children’s ministry finds its niche

Kids Ministry Zooms are online gatherings for those involved in children’s faith formation in the Michigan Conference. Join their next meeting on September 18.
Building a sustainable children’s ministry

It’s back-to-school time, and churches can lean on the new Michigan Conference Children’s Ministry Team for fall ministry support and then prepare to receive an offering for Christian Education Sunday,… Continue Reading Building a sustainable children’s ministry
5 tips for sharing the Lenten story with children

Children’s book author Glenys Nellist offers five tips on how to honor the season of Lent in age-appropriate, meaningful ways while still giving it the attention it deserves.
You are not alone in ministry

The Michigan Conference is launching seven new cohorts to give leaders peer support as they navigate faith formation in their churches or start new ministries.
Advent offering, resources announced

The Michigan Conference announces the recipients of this year’s Advent offering along with updated resources for children and families.