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Youth & Young Adult Resource Roundup, DEC 2024

Logo for youth resources

This winter issue summarizes events, scholarships, and resources for youth and young adults and their leaders that churches can promote in their publications.

Give generously to EngageMI partners

Campers singing

On Giving Tuesday, December 3, choose to support our EngageMI Ministry Partners. Several of them have special incentives for this global day of giving.

Youth & Young Adult Resource Roundup, OCT 2024

Logo for youth resources

This fall issue summarizes events, scholarships, and resources for youth and young adults and their leaders that churches can promote in their publications.

Youth & Young Adult Resource Roundup, AUG 2024

Logo for youth resources

This fall issue summarizes upcoming events, scholarships, and resources for youth and young adults that churches can promote in their publications.

Being better friends and neighbors

Young adults in Kentucky

Ember St. Amour reflects on her campus ministry’s spring break trip and what she learned about slowing down and being present with those you serve.

Youth & Young Adult Resource Roundup, APR 2024

Logo for youth resources

This spring issue summarizes upcoming events, scholarships, and resources for youth and young adults that churches can promote in their publications.

‘Holy Friendship’ journey begins March 11

Young adults embracing

The Michigan Conference offers a new 8-week program free to young adults wanting to deepen real friendships through meaningful conversations. Registration closes March 1.

The Michigan Conference