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How I spent my summer vacation

Young man painting during his summer vacation for Appalachia Service Project

As summer reaches its highpoint, the Rev. Dr. Margie Crawford encourages everyone to consider a vacation that includes some opportunities to learn, grow, and share the Good News with others.

Reflections of a family camper

People on the dunes at Lake Michigan

Her experience of Lake Michigan Camp began in the 1980s. Part of the Jackson First UMC Family group since 2007, she looks forward to another summer.

An alternative to traditional VBS

Happy Children

For the past four years North Naples UMC in Florida has set hosted, “Serve Your World Camp.” Families love it.

It changed my life!

Young boy ready to swim at Lakeview Camp

The Rev. Benton Heisler shares why he and his entire family believe in Christian camping. Registration is now open for the nine United Methodist camps and affiliate sites in Michigan.

From Wesley Woods to the world

Summer camp is more than childhood memories. Wesley Woods was where a disciple was made.

Director Ayoub on board

Michigan Area United Methodist Camping hires Rev. George Ayoub as Executive Director.

Lasting impact of camp

More than 2 million kids attend Christian camps in the U. S. every summer. So what?

Camp is for Big Kids, too

Did you think that United Methodist camping is just for children and youth? It’s time to think again!

Camp Director comes home

The Michigan Area welcomes Ryan Culby as Director of Lake Michigan and Albright Park camps.

Camps offer summer get-away

Needing to get out of the house? It’s not to late for children, youth and families to register for a summer camping experience at a United Methodist Camp in Michigan.

The Michigan Conference