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It matters what churches call classes

Teacher Jen Wilkin asks churches to “Stop calling everything a Bible study!”

Taking our theology seriously

The New Testament and John Wesley stand firm on the absolute equality of all persons.

Apps for better Bible Study

You can write in the margins of your Bible, but here are some ways to enhance your note-taking.

Pursuing the Word

“Ploughboys and pastors alike” are able to read the scripture thanks to this determined man.

Deeper into the Word

Thousands of United Methodists are graduates of Disciple Bible Study. Now there’s Disciple Fast Track.

Celebrating 30 years of Disciple

For three decades United Methodists in Michigan and around the world have grown in their faith through Disciple Bible Study.

5 steps to a great small group

CLAY MORGAN United Methodist Communication Since the first followers of Jesus began meeting in houses, small groups of people who meet regularly have reinforced relationships and strengthened the church. Stepping… Continue Reading 5 steps to a great small group

The Michigan Conference