Introduction to Single Board Leadership
This training is an introductory level workshop to the single board leadership style. There will be a basic overview of information with plenty of time for Q&A to help participants understand how this model will work in their church.

Dirk is the Director of Congregational Vibrancy and Leadership Development. Dirk is a trained coach with the Simplified Accountable Structure (SAS). Dirk also works with 12 other trained SAS coaches in the Michigan Conference to help churches effectively implement the SAS single-board leadership structure in churches.
To learn more
Have questions? Please contact:
Nikira Price
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Dirk Elliott
[email protected]
Director of Congregational Vibrancy and Leadership Development
What you will gain by joining this event:
*An understanding of the overall model of a single-board leadership
* An outline of a step-by-step process of discerning whether this model is right for your church
* Clear understanding of landmines that cause it not to work well
*Many resources and examples
This event is for pastors and church leaders who are interested in moving their church to a single-board leadership structure. It will be held as a hybrid workshop, with in-person training at the Conference Center and via Zoom.
October 12, 2023
Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
This training event is free to attend. Registration is required. The book Mission Possible 3: A Simple Structure for Missional Effectiveness will be for sale.
This is a hybrid workshop, with in-person training at the Conference Center (1011 Northcrest Rd., Lansing, MI 48906) and via zoom. If attending virtually, a Zoom link will be sent after registration.
Introduction to Single Board Leadership
Last Updated on September 13, 2023