Mission u
Virtual Mission u
Via ZoomCouldn't attend the Mission u in July? Now is your chance to participate virtually on your own or gather a small group of people from your church as we discuss the 2024 theme of 'Welcome Home'. Together, we will explore how we can know God as an intimate friend who welcomes us while we discover what… Continue Reading Virtual Mission u
Virtual Mission u
Via ZoomCouldn't attend the Mission u in July? Now is your chance to participate virtually on your own or gather a small group of people from your church as we discuss the 2024 theme of 'Welcome Home'. Together, we will explore how we can know God as an intimate friend who welcomes us while we discover what… Continue Reading Virtual Mission u
Virtual Mission u
Via ZoomCouldn't attend the Mission u in July? Now is your chance to participate virtually on your own or gather a small group of people from your church as we discuss the 2024 theme of 'Welcome Home'. Together, we will explore how we can know God as an intimate friend who welcomes us while we discover what… Continue Reading Virtual Mission u