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Heart work, soul work, community work

Marching at a rally

In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Alan Bard reminds us that the gospel is about heart change, which is an important part of tackling issues like racism and violence… Continue Reading Heart work, soul work, community work

Time to stop gawking and get moving

Sunrise over a farm

Rev. Jerry DeVine encourages us, despite the cobwebs and sorrows of denominational divisions, to embrace the new things God is doing in the church and get to work.

Building Beloved Community

MLK Memorial in Washington, D.C.

The Rev. Paul Perez points to King’s sermon on having a tough mind and a tender heart as a timely message for those working to build Beloved Community.

Making a case for our children’s spirituality

Mother and daughter sitting on a couch

Forming a deep spirituality is just as important to our children’s development as learning to read or grasping math equations, and the Michigan Conference is helping families and churches do… Continue Reading Making a case for our children’s spirituality

Foster a dialogic culture in the church

Two women talking

In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Alan Bard asks us to dedicate ourselves to creating a spacious church with a dialogic culture where conversations are respectful, rich, and deep.

It’s time to set a ‘souls goal’ for 2023

Sticky note on mug

Church leaders may be surprised how few people need to join your chuch in order to be a missional “success” this year.

A change of heart that’s never too late


The Rev. Paul Perez reflects on his family’s tradition of watching Christmas movies and names this year’s favorite, a movie that depicts a Christmas conversion of the heart.

Prepare our hearts for Jesus

Star over Bethlehem

In this Advent edition of Joyful Journey, Bishop David Bard encourages us to open our hearts, our lives, and our communities so Jesus can show up in us and through… Continue Reading Prepare our hearts for Jesus

Being the church while it’s under construction

As we continue to face the uncertainty of The United Methodist Church’s future, Rev. Dwayne Bagley asks us to rely on God’s faithfulness and respond with faithfulness in return.

Three takeaways from NCJ Conference

Two people laughing

The Rev. Paul Perez, clergy delegate, lists three important takeaways from last week’s North Central Jurisdictional Conference that every Michigan United Methodist should pay attention to.

The Michigan Conference