Category: Michigan Area
‘Let’s correct the damage done in 2019’

To prepare for Advocacy Day on March 12, read these stories from a car accident survivor and a long-term care provider on why Michigan’s auto insurance laws need to be… Continue Reading ‘Let’s correct the damage done in 2019’
Bridge of faith connects Michigan and Liberia

Love and hope stretched across 5,200 miles as an 18-member team from the Michigan Conference traveled to Liberia in February to visit our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Organize for justice at all levels

Come to Advocacy Day on March 12 and stay for a new afternoon training, which will allow you to organize around immigration and other critical issues.
Be Christlike and welcome the stranger

In light of refugee resettlement policy changes, Rev. Jack Amick, director of UMCOR’s Global Migration program, invites congregations to pivot in their approach to migrant ministry and then apply for… Continue Reading Be Christlike and welcome the stranger
Register for AC on March 1

Registration for the 2025 Michigan Annual Conference, “Unfinished: Growing Up and Into Christ,” opens this Saturday, March 1. Review these details prior to registering.
Conference partnership hires Schwarcz

The Michigan and Rio Texas Conferences welcome Laura Schwarcz as the project coordinator of a new initiative to help congregations nurture children through worship and prayer.
48,000 meals for hunger relief

As a Lenten practice, why not raise money so supplies can be pre-ordered for the Rice Meal Packing event for hunger relief at the 2025 Michigan Annual Conference?
Learn how to change the world

At Advocacy Day on March 12, you will discover tools for advocacy work at the local, state, and national levels and connect with other justice seekers on matters you care… Continue Reading Learn how to change the world
VIM team to journey to Peru

A UM Volunteers in Mission team from Michigan and Wisconsin is returning to Peru in December and needs volunteers, especially young adults. Apply by September 1.
Ways to care for our migrant neighbors

The Michigan Conference is prepared to resource churches as they stand with and support migrant and immigrant neighbors in their communities.