Tag: United Methodists
Conversations on UMC vision launched

With General Conference now delayed to 2022, the Connectional Table hopes to bring more people into conversations that could help the denomination move forward.
Take action to create change

The General Board of Church & Society offers a “Creating Change Together” toolkit to help you create engagement and put faith into action.
Global Water Summit seeks to spur change

Two Wesley Foundations, one in Ann Arbor and the other in Mt. Pleasant, have partnered to focus on a basic human need. Water. They invite Michigan United Methodists to a… Continue Reading Global Water Summit seeks to spur change
Churches assist during winter storms

United Methodist churches across the south opened shelters as winter storms left millions without water or electricity. Gifts to UMCOR’s U.S. Disaster Response #901670 will provide aid for recovery efforts.
Church cookbooks go online

While churches are currently not gathering for meals together, the time will come when United Methodists can come back to the table with favorite foods to share.
Hard realities and beautiful dreams

We may be exhausted, but United Methodists can still dream dreams of new life. The Rev. Paul Perez, new Director of Connectional Ministry for The Michigan Conference, offers hope.
Jurisdictional conferences postponed

On April 6 the announcement was made that all U.S. Jurisdictional Conferences for 2020 are postponed. The Council of Bishops will reschedule in the near future.
Light and life for all

Remembering lyrics of Charles Wesley and Bruce Springsteen, Bishop David Bard, reflects on the nature of darkness and light. Looking ahead, he forecasts “The new year will not be dull.”