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Connectional Ministries Team Coming Attractions

The Michigan Conference Connectional Ministries Team - comprising Laura Witkowski, Kathy Pittenger, Lisa Batten and Naomi García - has been developing conference-wide events and ongoing offerings that you can sign up for today! These exciting initiatives are designed to nurture spiritual growth and foster a strong sense of belonging within Michigan United Methodist faith communities and leaders.

For more information about any upcoming initiatives or offerings, contact any team member.

Laura Witkowski  |  Kathy Pittenger  |  Lisa Batten  |  Naomi García

The Connectional Ministries Team is always launching new cohorts, workshops and resources.

Lifelong Faith Cohorts

Cohorts offer faith formation leaders regular meetings with others in similar positions or interests. For winter/spring 2025, we are offering:

Embracing God's Call

In a polarized world, where we are often told who is not included, the Gospel invites us to consider how all persons are created in God’s image and part of the beloved community. This 4-week Bible study seeks to support participants who want to respond to the challenges we face today. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to reflect on how the teachings of the gospel urge us to embrace and champion God’s love for all. Cost is $10 per person with a sliding scale available, pay what you can, if you can, when you can - don’t let resources be an obstacle to participating. Group of 4+ is $25. Classes available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in February. Register to view class schedule. Registration is now open.

Young Adult Discernment Cohort

This regular gathering is for ages 18 to 29, who are seeking their next faithful step in life, work and vocation. Consider joining on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM ET/5:30 PM CT via zoom. No registration is needed, contact [email protected] for the zoom link.

Fund Development 101

Join Lisa Batten on either Feb. 4 at 9:30 AM ET or 6 PM ET, this training is for faith communities and non-profits who are beginning to diversify their funding sources. We know tithes and offerings can no longer carry the budget and we continue to experience the effects of post-Covid funding shifts. Together, participants will explore a theology of fund development, create a case for support, review needed infrastructure to receive and manage funds, and explore potential funding sources. Cost is $10 per organization. Registration is now open.

Grant Writing 101 Workshop

Grants are sources of funding for existing or new ministry ideas, facility repairs, or new builds. Knowing where to look and how to write a grant can be challenging and even intimidating. Participants in this FREE Grant Writing 101 Workshop will gain an understanding of a theology of fundraising, begin to draft a compelling purpose statement and timeline, begin to draft a budget, learn where to look for grants. Tuesday, Jan. 21 from 9:30-11 AM ET or Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 6-7:30 PM ET. Same content, two dates. Registration is open now.

Sacred Rhythm - Pilgrimage in Place

This choose-your-own-location retreat is for those who want to explore Celtic Christianity and contemplative Christian practices in the tradition of Saint Brigid, an Irish saint. Join facilitators Lisa Batten, Rev. Cora Glass, and Rev. Greg Lawton. One retreat in three sessions over one week, beginning January 30. First and third sessions are online, and the second session will be at your chosen location. Three payment options are available, so don’t let costs prevent you from signing up. Register by January 23 to receive retreat supplies and a Zoom link. Register now!

Additional ways the CM Team can help


The Michigan Conference employs the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) as an assessment of cultural understanding and intercultural competence. Intercultural competence refers to the ability to adapt behavior and perspectives in response to cultural diversity. There is no grade or perfect score, only a greater understanding of oneself, our organizations, and the necessary work ahead. This resource is available to Michigan United Methodists and serves as a valuable aid in building relationships across diverse cultures. To learn more and utilize this tool, contact Naomi García.


We often feel isolated when launching something new, or we are unsure of next steps when revamping a current ministry to be more fruitful. The good news is we don’t have to go it alone! Trained facilitators offer multiple entry points to meet participants wherever they are planting something new or renewing an existing idea. Sign up for all three and you’ll be eligible for a mini-grant to support your idea. For more information, contact [email protected].

    • Sprout-a-Thon Event will help you plant and begin to cultivate your idea. Two-part virtual option on February 25, 6 pm Eastern, and February 27, 6 pm. In-person option at University UMC in East Lansing on March 29, 10 am to 4:30 pm Eastern. $25 fee. Learn more and register.
    • Pivot & Launch Event will help participants identify best practices and resources and work toward next steps. In-person at University UMC in East Lansing on March 29, 10 am to 4:30 pm Eastern. $25 fee. Learn more and register.
    • Seed to Harvest Cohort meets monthly on the second Wednesday of each month through May 2025, with two time options (1 pm or 6:30 pm, Eastern). $30 fee. Register by February 12 to join this cohort. Learn more and register.


A monthly online co-working space for those interested in non-traditional funding opportunities for your church or non-profit. Attendees can bring a question, ideas to flesh out, a grant to work on, spend time searching for grants, build a budget or draft a purpose statement. Connectional Ministry Staff, Lisa Batten, will host a one hour monthly open zoom room for those who want to collaborate and mutually resource one another around fund development. Dates: Jan 13th, noon-1:00 and 6:00-7:00 pm eastern, Feb 10th, noon-1:00 and 6:00-7:00 pm eastern, Mar 10th, noon-1:00 and 6:00-7:00 pm eastern. Registration is now open.


This gathering is for those in ministry with young people who seek to deepen their understanding and practice of accompanying youth and young adults in seeking their next faithful step in life, work and vocation. Meeting bi-monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4 PM ET/3 PM CT. Contact, Lisa at [email protected] for zoom link.


Online training for those ready to search for grants to fund their ministry, program or event. This training will prepare participants to use the Grantstation search tool as one option to finding grants that align with the church or organization's priorities and funding needs. $10 Registration fee. Join Lisa Batten on Tuesday, Jan. 28 from 9:30-11 AM ET or Wednesday, Jan. 29 from 6-7:30 PM ET. Same content, two days & times. Register here.


Our responsibility is to care for, protect, and care for all God's Children. Protection Policies (also known as Safe Sanctuaries or Abuse Prevention) and Sexual Ethics Policies are designed to protect and care for the children, youth, and adults in our churches and communities.


Coaches provide just-in-time support by asking questions and challenging the one being coached to set and reach their goals. Using deep listening, coaches ask questions to trigger deeper contemplation, providing a sounding board that allows the coachee to think more deeply and profoundly than they would without coaching. Visit the coaching page to learn about upcoming classes.


Focusing on your relationship systems, consider what’s happening and what options you have can heal your important relationships. 1-on-1, interpersonal and group mediation services are available.

Connectional Ministries Team Members

Associate Directors for Connectional Ministries - Read more about their work here.

Laura Witkowski

she | her | hers

Kathy Pittenger

she | her | hers

Education is her passion

Lisa Batten

she | her | hers

Naomi García

she | her | hers | ella

Naomi Garcia

Called to the work of the laity, Laura is passionate about ministry leaders using their God-given gifts in ways that can transform the world around them. Encouraging others to lead authentically from who they are, who God has shaped them to be, is important in her work. Laura and her family are active at Grand Rapids Aldersgate UMC, where she has been a member most of her life.

Asking questions, thinking outside the box, looking at a challenge from several different perspectives, and being creative are all gifts Kathy brings to her work. Kathy loves it when children discover something new and the way it makes their face light up, especially when it is in relationship to Jesus and faith. She is excited for opportunities to encourage, equip, and be a resource for the leaders who are planting seeds and making a difference in their churches, communities, and world.

New ministry with new people excites Lisa. She is guided by her own sense of call and vocation and by the vision to create a culture where all, especially young adults, are valued.

Her life’s one ‘yes’-at-a-time-journey brought Naomi from the south Rio Grande Valley to Michigan. The fun and drama of dancing in the present is mostly informed by where she’s been and lit up by God-sized aspirations. Being and doing this in the presence of others doing the same keeps her coming back for more.

Last Updated on January 22, 2025

The Michigan Conference