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Active health plan enrollment opens

Enrollment open through Nov. 16

Subscribers to the Michigan conference Active Group Health Insurance Plan should read this important information and download materials. Enrollment ends on November 30.

Director of Conference Benefits & HR/Interim CFO

This information is addressed to subscribers to the Michigan Conference Active Group Health Insurance plan.

Enrollment open Nov. 16-30

Click here to find the 2021 Benefits Enrollment Guide that includes instructions for completing the open enrollment process this year. Open enrollment will run November 16-30.  

Open enrollment will be conducted online at www.infinityhr.com. There are two sets of instructions for making your elections attached to this email:

  • Infinity Open Enrollment Instructions – Use these instructions if you’ve accessed the system in the past. You will have the ability to retrieve your username and/or reset your password if needed.
  • Getting Started_Initial Login and Open Enrollment – Use these instructions if this is your first time accessing InfinityHR.

Active subscribers in an appointment must complete the online open enrollment to do the following: 1) confirm personal information; 2) indicate additions/deletions of dependents for 2021; and 3) Elect Medical or Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) amounts for 2021. See attachments for detailed instructions on open enrollment.

Important FSA information

Very important. Please read this information regarding medical and dependent care FSA’s.

  • Annual Medical and Dependent Care FSA elections do not roll over to a new year. A subscriber will not be able to designate an FSA for 2021 at a later time if they fail to complete a new election when they enroll online.
  • Any unused 2020 Medical FSA balance (up to $500) will be rolled into 2021 and may be used for 2021 expenses. This amount does not affect or decrease the amount a subscriber may elect in 2021 ($2,750 maximum).
  • Health Savings Accounts (HSA) are not an alternative for subscribers that do not desire to elect a Medical FSA. Because the conference health care plan is not a high deductible plan that meets IRS guidelines, a subscriber is not eligible to open an HSA. Subscribers/local churches that have established an HSA are in violation of IRS regulations and must cease this practice immediately.

Last Updated on October 31, 2023

The Michigan Conference