Many United Methodist churches celebrate Communion once a month. But the Lord’s table stretches around the world on this Sunday in October every year and blesses scholars.
World Communion Sunday, observed on the first Sunday in October, is an ecumenical celebration by people of many denominations in an effort to promote unity among Christians around the world.
“I happen to be a very, very big fan of the idea behind World Communion Sunday because it celebrates the astonishing diversity that exists within the Christian family surrounding the globe,” says the Rev. Stephen Bauman, pastor of Christ Church United Methodist in New York City.
See what else Pastor Bauman has to say in this video.

The observance is an awesome spiritual experience. It is also one of six Special Sunday Offerings, this one used to fund scholarships for young scholars and seminarians.
Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” And because the people of The United Methodist Church believe that all of God’s children have been created and gifted to build the kingdom Jesus ushered in, we’re resourcing them to do just that. Because of your giving on this special Sunday, the most powerful tool to change the world is in more hands.
Last Updated on October 30, 2023