Tag: Fellowship
A coach offers words of encouragement

Three phrases from a high school track coach have stuck with Paul Perez over the years. Here’s how they apply to the Michigan Annual Conference.
Inspired stewardship enables ministry

Meet two women who are servant leaders in the Michigan Conference. Their faithful stewardship of resources has kept God’s people in ministry even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yellow bricks lead to Romeo

Halloween is a “pretty big deal” in Romeo, MI. Romeo UMC joined the community spirit on October 25 when they went off to see the Wizard.
Hey! Where’s my pastor?

Your pastor not in the church office? He or she is up north in Acme, Michigan participating in The Michigan Annual Conference.
Serving a cup of chaos

Is your ‘coffee hour’ a formal family gathering or an free-wheeling entry point for newcomers?
Area Retired Clergy Picnic August 24, 2016

The Annual Picnic for Retired Clergy of the Michigan Area takes place at Myers Lake Campground August 24, 2016.