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New UMPIP Billing Process & Benefits Reminders

MI Benefits GuyOne thing I’ve learned so far is that I need to communicate more than I ever expected. Much of this job revolves around communicating with people. We switched to Delta Dental on January 1, 2025, and you’ll notice that we included a note this month to remind people of this. Although I believed I had communicated the change, many people still weren’t aware of it.

In that same vein, we noted last month that we are preparing to change how we bill for the new Compass pension plan that will take effect on January 1, 2026. As part of this preparation, the Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church will begin billing your church or organization for the clergy participant contributions to the United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP) on July 1, 2025. We request that these payments be made directly to the Michigan Conference and sent to the Benefits Billing lockbox (Benefits Remittance, PO Box 72525, Cleveland, OH 44192-0002) starting July 1, 2025. In the July Benefits Billing, the clergy’s UMPIP will be included on the invoice. The Michigan Conference Benefits Office will subsequently submit the UMPIP to Wespath. All payroll deductions will remain the same; only the destination of the UMPIP will change.

If your church or organization makes contribution payments as an employer (plan sponsor) to UMPIP for lay employees, you should continue sending these contributions directly to Wespath according to the current process. This only impacts the personal contributions of clergy to UMPIP (Line 8, 13, and/or 14 on the 2025 Compensation Form).

If you owe any previous outstanding UMPIP clergy participant contributions through July 1, 2025, please send those payments directly to Wespath.

If you have questions regarding this new billing arrangement, please contact John Kosten, Benefits Coordination at 810-233-0504 or [email protected]. Tell him MI Benefits Guy sent you!


Last Updated on February 3, 2025

The Michigan Conference