Tag: Equality
The long, meandering trek

The struggle for God’s justice may be long but, says the Rev. John Hice, “This is not an excuse to put it off and abide injustices for even a minute.”
UMC ratifies women’s equality amendment

The United Methodist Church has changed its Constitution to affirm equality and assert that women are not second class citizens in the family of God.
Equal on paper, unequal in life

Dawn Wiggins Hare asks, “Do you share and live the message of Christ that women and men are created equally in the image of God?”
Breaking silence builds support

A new video, #HerTruth, shares painful stories of women called into ministry.
Race and the church

A panel discusses the past and “really weird now” on the way to real equality and real economic justice.
Celebrate today’s ‘Hidden Figures’

During Black History Month, Bishop Peggy Johnson notes “people who are hidden figures continue to abound in this world of ours.”
Figurative crowbars

An Academy Award nominated film provides a springboard for this month’s Drinking the Cup.
Taking our theology seriously

The New Testament and John Wesley stand firm on the absolute equality of all persons.