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Prayer for Kids and Families

Special Thanks to:

Rev. Michelle King for curating this playlist.

Need something else?

Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.

Resources for Grown-Ups

Here are a few additional resources for grown-ups who are nurturing the faith of the children in their lives.

Prayers for Faithful Families by Traci Smith

Praying in Color: Kids Edition by Sybil MacBeth

5 Ways to Pray with Children

5 Hands On Ways to Pray with Kids


There are so many different ways to pray! Exploring new ways to pray and connect with God can be really fun! We can pray with words, without words, out loud, silently, with other people, by ourselves, using traditional prayers we have memorized, using our own words, using a physical object to guide us, using nothing at all, and on and on and on. There’s no wrong way to pray. Just like people have different learning styles, people can also have different praying styles – ways of praying that better help them connect to God. Try out a bunch of different methods of prayer with the children in your life, see what works best for them (and you), and make it a regular part of your life.


Bible Story

  • Read 2 Samuel 7:18-22 or Psalm 86. You can also watch the video called David Prays from Saddleback Kids (it’s in the video section below) that offers an overview of the things that David prayed to God for throughout his life. It references 1 Chronicles 29:10-14. 2 Samuel 7:18-22, Psalm 118:21, Psalm 16:7-8.
  • Wonder about the story together:
    • I wonder what types of things David prayed for.
    • I wonder if David was ever upset with God..
    • I wonder what you pray for.
    • I wonder if God always answers prayers.


Dear God, we’re so grateful that we can talk to you anytime and anywhere, and you will always hear us! Help us remember that we can talk to you about anything and everything and that you want to hear from us, even if we are not sure what to say. (Insert family celebrations and requests here if desired.) Amen.

Try One of These Ways to Pray

1. Make a prayer bottle 

2. Prayer doesn’t always have to be quiet, try this shouting prayer!

3. Make a Lord’s Prayer tracing cross. Trace the shape of the cross as you say the Lord’s Prayer.

4. Try 5 Finger Prayer

5. Use a prayer labyrinth

6. Try one of these ways to pray from Illustrated Ministry 

7. Prayer Beads – there are many ways you can use prayer beads (in the Catholic tradition they are known as a rosary). For younger children, thread larger beads on pipe cleaner. For each bead say something you are grateful for, want to pray for, or want to tell God. For older children, you can be as simple or creative as you want. There are many options on the Internet. This is a simple one that also includes prayer cards. This is another way to create prayer beads that was created as “good deed beads”, but can also be used as a way to pray.



The Lord’s Prayer Illustrated by Tim Ladwig

YouTube video

There’s No Wrong Way to Pray by Rebecca Ninke and Kate E.H. Watson

YouTube video

Music Videos

Music can be prayer too! Sing your favorite hymns on your own or as a family as a way to pray. Here are a few songs to get you started! Some are high energy! The song “I Shall Not Want” is a slower song based on Psalm 23.