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What is Team Building Consultation?

Core purpose will be to understand the Five Dysfunctions of a Team (by Patrick Lencioni) and begin to see our role as a leader in overcoming them. To achieve this core purpose, you will learn to identify each of the five dysfunctions, understand how each of the dysfunctions connects to the others, see the dysfunctions as opportunities for growth, assess the level of dysfunction in our teams, understand how to overcome each dysfunction, and identify tools which can be used to overcome dysfunction on our teams.

“If you look for the worst in people and expect to find it, you surely will.”  -Abraham Lincoln

“Coming together is a beginning…Keeping together is progress….Working together is success.” -Henry Ford

Who: pastors, church council, and key leaders

Length: 2 sessions of two hours each which can be combined for one longer session.

Note: The first session just describes the dysfunctions and the second session is about implementing a model that incorporates the topics from the book. This can be tailor made for the participants into one four-hour session or even a half-day session if needed.

Medium: in person

Setting: district based / multi-church / local church 

Note: This training can be for any of the above audiences. If it is district based, it would be a great session for a district training session held by District Superintendents. If done in a multi-church setting, I would expect that each church would send a team of 3-4 people to work through the activities. Finally, for a local church, this would be to work with a specific team (i.e. Ad Council, Trustees, etc) to maximize effectiveness.

Group size: # of people = 15-20 / # of churches = 3-4 churches / limits

This could be one big group from a church of at most 20 people. If  there are multiple churches then 3-4 churches with 4-5 members per team for a max of about 20 people would be a reasonable limit.

Cost: per church based on average worship attendance - Under 75 =$50; 75-150 = $150; over 150 =$250

Resources: “Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick Lencioni. Order through Cokesbury

Follow-up Coaching:  available

Note: The coaching would be available but not mandatory. This could be a service that the church contracts directly with the trainer or it could be a cost share with the Vibrancy Office.


Team Building Consultation Registration

  • Please enter your response in number format - example 110
  • Please enter your response in number format - example 6

Last Updated on October 30, 2023

The Michigan Conference